
The Brooklyn Flea

Well, I'm back. I spent 8 days in New York, and it was very much hard to leave. Since moving away, I've visited 3 times and each time this odd feeling of displacement comes over me. Nothing is any different, and I feel at home... it's just.... there's no home. It's weird.

Sunday, the second day I was there, I went to the Williamsburg Bank, which is the wintertime site of the Brooklyn Flea. I busted out my new Canon Rebel to take photos. I don't like to take direct photos of artists' tables. There's something that sort of irks me when I'm selling at an event, and instead of buying anything, people take photos of individual art. I also hate getting caught unawares in the middle of a wide shot. I have found myself on Flickr in other people's photos, which were most unflattering of me. I turned my camera on the extraordinary interior of the building instead, which I'd never been inside before.

^I couldn't resist taking a photo of the above 3D image, though my writing up above is whistling a different tune. I am actually kicking myself now though, for not purchasing this thing. I mean... it's.... it's just amazing. What on earth is going on?? Who is that kid? Who are those pervy rabbits??

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